heres The Scoop from LATINO REVIEW! Good morning fanboy nation! It’s been a busy mid week with the
Marvel scoop I dropped yesterday and now finally the Justice League scoop I been teasing y’all on twitter about.
So what’s the latest with DC Comics answer to
The Avengers 2 now that both films are slated to go
mano a mano in the summer of 2015?
As of this morning, they are STILL looking for a director. In the meantime, according to sources, the final cinematic
Justice League roster will consist of
five core members featuring:
1) Superman
2) Batman
3) Green Lantern
4) Wonder Woman
5) The Flash

Fret not fanboys because the
Justice League bench is quite deep. There
might be one or two cameos from the 2nd stringers. The
Justice League Varsity B team consists of:
6) Martian Manhunter
7) Aquaman
8) Hawkman sole member with the weakest possibility of a cameo:

So there ya have it. Again, five core members and one or two possible cameo appearances. Think about it for a second, this film will most likely be almost three hours and even then that is still not enough time to give back stories to seven plus characters, have a plot, maybe a romantic entanglement, and throw in Darkseid’s evil plan to boot. It’s overkill.
Wouldn’t it be a cool cameo possibility instead if there is a human character throughout the film and during the climatic third act battle – twist – he turns into
Martian Manhunter revealing his true identity! That would be badass!
My money is on
Martian Manhunter scoring the cameo because after all, the threat to the Justice League is going to be cosmic, so they are probably going to need help from some good guy alien. Water is always expensive to shoot hence Aquaman might get no love unless the
Justice League needs something at the bottom of the ocean that Vinny Chase (Aquaman) can provide. Ok, poor attempt at humor. I see Hawkman as the
Tim Tebow of the bunch so the general manager should trade him or outright release him.
It makes sense concentrating on the core five, three of which already had movies and are pretty well known. Then maybe introduce a new member as a cameo that can be fully explored and fleshed out in a sequel if it happens. Looking forward to what you guys think so chime in below.