contributor sebastian micheals short critque on new 52 and DC as a Whole! bout two, year's ago the DCU/Dc Universe
Was easily, striving through' sales and it's Iconic, character's had been on a role. Now, after only, about a year and or two year's DC has managed, to totally, screw over it's older fan-base and it's honestly, horrible. They change, the character's persona's into giant asshole's now, and Superman isn't able, to even level a football, field and it seem's in each comic he's getting his ass handed to him. I've got a list of problem's with the ''new 52'' but I'll name a few and go on from there. They've changed the iconic character's we've all known. For example, Superman, now seem's like he's asking for something, after he save's each person. What happened to, the Superman we've all known since Action Comics #1 (June 1938)? Dan Didio happened, he changed all of the character's strictly for ''new fans'' and they all suck! Batman's now an asshole who seem's like he's not afraid to kill..what happened to him not using gun's? And, sadly more, and more, thing's are happening this year. The TMNT origin has now been changed to the turtle's being Alien's because of Micheal Bay, and the new 52'' hit shelve's. Thankfully, Marvel is striving and the avenger's movie is better, then anyone would've expected. It hit the million dollar mark in less then a few week's. Impressive, let's see Dc top that!? Hehe! Good job Micheal, and Didio for screwing up characters! (Sarcasm). -Enraged fan.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Genndy Tartakovsky to Direct 3D POPEYE Picture for Sony Animation
Although Genndy Tartakovsky’s first feature
film as a director is the upcoming Adam Sandler-starrer, Hotel Transylvania, he’ll quickly turn around and direct Popeye as his second. Tartakovsky is best known for his phenomenal series work with a roster including The Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Laboratory, Samurai Jack and Star Wars: Clone Wars. (You can check out an example of what a Tartakovsky feature film
looks like by watching the recent trailer for Hotel Transylvania.) Writers Jay Scherick and David Ronn (The Smurfs) were attached to pen thePopeye adaptation as recently as last November. Hit the jump for more on Popeye.
Variety reports that Tartakovsky is attached to develop and direct a 3D version of Popeye. The famous sailor started back in 1929 when he first appeared in the comicstrip, “Thimble Theater.” Known for his bizarre manner of speech and his borderline addiction to spinach, Popeye is one of the longest-running comics in history. There have been numerous cartoon iterations and one abysmal live-action feature: 1980′s Popeye, starring Robin Williams. Some of the other famous characters from the world of Popeye include the waif, Olive Oyl; Popeye’s adopted son, Swee’Pea, the hamburger-eating Wimpy and the antagonistic Bluto. Sony’s production on a CG/3D version ofPopeye goes back at least two years now. The 3D animated feature about the famous cartoon sailor is being produced through Sony Pictures Animation along with Avi and Ari Arad under their Arad Productions banner.
Following on the heels of THIS MORNINGS ANNOUNCEMENT that Spider-Man will get a sidekick beginning with Amazing Spider-Man #692 in August, Marvel Comics has released a preview of the issue, featuring the first appearance of the young hero to be known as Alpha.
While most readers are speculating that the character won’t actually be a long-term addition to the Spider-Man supportingcast, his first appearance is obviously a big deal for Marvel, and likely part of the build-up to “seismic” changes planned for Spidey’s fiftieth anniversary and the 700th issue of The Amazing Spider-Man.Check out the official description below, along with preview pages for the issue, which will be on stands August 22.Fans across the globe have been asking, “Who Is Alpha” and this August, in Amazing Spider-Man #692, they’ll find out! Marvel is celebrating Spider-Man’s 50th anniversary in style as theblockbuster creative team of Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos give Peter Parker his very own….sidekick?! When he’s not working with the Avengers of the Future Foundation, Spider-Man has been saving the Marvel Universe on his own for fifty years! But now, with his anniversary right around the corner, that’s all about to change! what do you guys think!?
This special event, could only be told in this oversized issue celebrating the values that made Spider-Man the world’s greatest super hero for the past five decades and many more to come. And with special variant covers by superstar artist Marcos Martin, depicting Spider-Man through the years, no fan can miss out on this! Get ready for a story about power and responsibility like you’ve never seen before in Amazing Spider-Man #692, swinging into comic shops everywhere, the Marvel Comics app and the Marvel Digital Comics Shop this August.AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #692 (JUN120622)Written by DAN SLOTTPencils and Cover by HUMBERTO RAMOSFOC – 7/30/2012, On Sale – 8/22/2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
ANTHONY P's OP-ED on the NEW 52!
contributor anthony pilone's state of Address and the new 52 and he has ALoT to say! :) "Well, whats there to tell? I have been a long-time comic and DC fan and a superman in general. And I have to say, when I have heard that this new 52 reboot and replacing the DC heroes and that I know and love and that has been a part of me, with a bunch of darker and edgier dc characters, just for the sake of change and to and them “hip” for these so-called new fans, but at the same time it is a real kick in the gut and a big smack in the face to me, and to all the true fans that value and DC universe from the former continuity. Not exactly a smart way to make the dollar in the comic book business. Me, it gave a very angry reaction. And one morning, I had trouble trying to fall back to sleep because I couldn’t get the thought out of my head and the thought of it made my gut squeeze and makes me want to scream. That’s how bad it upsets me. It’s like having something that was part of you, something that you hold dear and being ripped away, basically.
It use to be readable for everyone, not just for kids. Now because of what the new 52 has, it makes it seem like more of rated “R”.
They have added, overdone blood and gore, shown sexual acts and even made the original Green Lantern gay. Are you kidding me? Now, I do not have any problem with gays. But it’s not exactly an appropriate move to introduce kids to comics, to which, I can say the same with overly done blood and gore, shown sexual acts(there is a time and place for certain things. just not in this in DC). Some things are best left alone, like the green lantern’s sexual orientation and that is clearly a sign of disrespect to the DC characters from those fools in DC who care only about the money and not for the fans, long-time fan especially. And thats not right!
They have messed up a lot of most of the character’s outfits, like with wonder woman’s. They also made her boots the wrong color like a dark shade of blue, when it clearly should be RED and made her persona like a cop-out of Xena, let alone making her the daughter of Zeus, which was ridiculous and having here working in London,is also just obsured, she’s suppose to work in the USA in DC! And they should have let Batman keep his black shorts, which does not look right without them. I was reading an article about of little girl who is inspired by Starfire, who she looked up to. And for what the new 52 has made startfire into, even she knows that is not startfire and ruined the character, too. Even George Perez stepped down from DC because he did not like what they were doing to the characters. Can’t say I blame them. I knew he had the heart and the common sense to realize it. And it is all thanks to Dan Didio who has a big ego and clearly does not care and those who are the true fan should at least have enough decency to have common sense to realize how bad it is and that it’s fueled by ego, which is not a good sign and a lot of these “new readers” have failed to realize that. And also in the new 52, they even killed of Harley Quinn. They even broke up our beloved Lois and Clark, DC’s legendary couple, which I found very heartbreaking!
And for superman, they made him darker and edgier and cocky and thats not what superman is about lol And not to mention ruining the suit and taking away his traditional red shorts, to which they should not have, because not only he had it for a very long time, but it helps even out the colors and the suit looks too unbalanced. Plus they made the suit symbiotic when the suit takes over when making a quick change to superman. Are you kidding me?! Not to mention giving superman knee pads? And armor? Come on. Superman is called “the man of steel” for a reason and he doesn’t need any of those at all, that’s just ridiculous lol And simply made Superman into something he isn’t. Superman is suppose to be like, a symbol of hope like. The ultimate good guy, with positive morals and with positive values and inspiration and could capture the heart of many people around the world, that fights for truth, justice and they American way. in general, the new 52 version of superman lacks a lot of that quality compared to the real Superman and they say the new 52 Supes is as original as the one from the 1930s. Maybe so. BUT when you think about it, it was more like he was reduced to what he was before he became to what superman is famous for about all about in his persona.
So in shorter terms, they have messed up basically everything in the DCU and those who so-called like it and thinking that this is the way the DCU should be, should be smacked because a lot of them seem to not have any conception of what the DC(with the real heroes) is really all about and it’s stands for and it’s quality and value, let alone appreciation.
They say we’re “closed minded” and “afraid of change”. And saying some changes are good. But in this case, this is by far the most alienating, most disrespectful reboot I have ever seen and it is so messed up in so many ways, it’s not even funny. DC is just not the DCU without it’s real heroes. There are more us us true fan there than those jerks in DC thinks and a lot of them want the real DC heroes back.
And so do I!"
It use to be readable for everyone, not just for kids. Now because of what the new 52 has, it makes it seem like more of rated “R”.
They have added, overdone blood and gore, shown sexual acts and even made the original Green Lantern gay. Are you kidding me? Now, I do not have any problem with gays. But it’s not exactly an appropriate move to introduce kids to comics, to which, I can say the same with overly done blood and gore, shown sexual acts(there is a time and place for certain things. just not in this in DC). Some things are best left alone, like the green lantern’s sexual orientation and that is clearly a sign of disrespect to the DC characters from those fools in DC who care only about the money and not for the fans, long-time fan especially. And thats not right!
They have messed up a lot of most of the character’s outfits, like with wonder woman’s. They also made her boots the wrong color like a dark shade of blue, when it clearly should be RED and made her persona like a cop-out of Xena, let alone making her the daughter of Zeus, which was ridiculous and having here working in London,is also just obsured, she’s suppose to work in the USA in DC! And they should have let Batman keep his black shorts, which does not look right without them. I was reading an article about of little girl who is inspired by Starfire, who she looked up to. And for what the new 52 has made startfire into, even she knows that is not startfire and ruined the character, too. Even George Perez stepped down from DC because he did not like what they were doing to the characters. Can’t say I blame them. I knew he had the heart and the common sense to realize it. And it is all thanks to Dan Didio who has a big ego and clearly does not care and those who are the true fan should at least have enough decency to have common sense to realize how bad it is and that it’s fueled by ego, which is not a good sign and a lot of these “new readers” have failed to realize that. And also in the new 52, they even killed of Harley Quinn. They even broke up our beloved Lois and Clark, DC’s legendary couple, which I found very heartbreaking!
And for superman, they made him darker and edgier and cocky and thats not what superman is about lol And not to mention ruining the suit and taking away his traditional red shorts, to which they should not have, because not only he had it for a very long time, but it helps even out the colors and the suit looks too unbalanced. Plus they made the suit symbiotic when the suit takes over when making a quick change to superman. Are you kidding me?! Not to mention giving superman knee pads? And armor? Come on. Superman is called “the man of steel” for a reason and he doesn’t need any of those at all, that’s just ridiculous lol And simply made Superman into something he isn’t. Superman is suppose to be like, a symbol of hope like. The ultimate good guy, with positive morals and with positive values and inspiration and could capture the heart of many people around the world, that fights for truth, justice and they American way. in general, the new 52 version of superman lacks a lot of that quality compared to the real Superman and they say the new 52 Supes is as original as the one from the 1930s. Maybe so. BUT when you think about it, it was more like he was reduced to what he was before he became to what superman is famous for about all about in his persona.
So in shorter terms, they have messed up basically everything in the DCU and those who so-called like it and thinking that this is the way the DCU should be, should be smacked because a lot of them seem to not have any conception of what the DC(with the real heroes) is really all about and it’s stands for and it’s quality and value, let alone appreciation.
They say we’re “closed minded” and “afraid of change”. And saying some changes are good. But in this case, this is by far the most alienating, most disrespectful reboot I have ever seen and it is so messed up in so many ways, it’s not even funny. DC is just not the DCU without it’s real heroes. There are more us us true fan there than those jerks in DC thinks and a lot of them want the real DC heroes back.
And so do I!"
Ryan Reynolds Officially Cast As The HIGHLANDER
A while ago we heard that Lionsgate were after Ryan Reynolds to play the lead role in their planned remake/reboot of Highlander.
Back then word was that the actor was the front-runner and both parties
were keen to work together, but that it was still in the negotiation
stages and he was free to pursue other projects. Well, according to The
Tracking Board..
After roughly a month of negotiations, Ryan Reynolds has officially been cast in the lead role for HIGHLANDER. Reynolds will play Conner MacLeod, a Highlander who discovers he is one of a dwindling group of immortals who wander the earth and kill each other in combat for the final “Prize” – immortality.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
according to bleeding cool this is the first look at the new t4 poster and Tagline! It used to be easy, busting fake posters because the photoshop was so bad. Now, it’s often only as bad as the real posters.
Below is, purportedly, the first poster for Transformers 4. Cine1 are calling it provisional. Last time that site put out some unexpected posters, in that case for Wreck it Ralph, they turned out to be very real. Indeed, they seem to be quite reputable…
…but are Paramount really having Transformers 4 marketing materials issued already? Perhaps they’re getting the designs drawn up in time for Comic Con.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
thanx for article goes to Matt McGloin, Editor/Publisher of COSMICBOONEWS June 06, 2012 20:04 | Updated: 18 hours 22 min Ago Throughout the day we have been posting news about the new Justice League movie. Now we are here to reveal all we have been told! Previous articles include news on the Man of Steel spearheading the DC shared movie universe, the new Batman, and Ryan Reynolds reprising as Green Lantern — all of which you can read about below. Comic Book writer Mark Millar has also commented on the Justice League Movie script which you can read about here. Here we go: • Our source tells us that the major developments are underway at DC Entertainment — and the Man of Steel will spearhead it all. • The Man of Steel will be chapter #1 of a shared universe, it will all bend around that film. • In chronological terms, the Man of Steel is the first. • Henry Cavill will be given a new contract after Man of Steel that would probably include a pay raise along with his new terms that feature the Justice League film and subsequent sequels. • Lobo will be the second movie after Man of Steel, and is said to take place off Earth and won't affect any of the other films. • The Flash and Wonder Woman (Nicolas Winding Refn is expected to be directing) scripts will be spin-offs from the Justice League film that should be released summer 2014/2015, and The Flash will be rewritten to fit around events that will transpire in Justice League. • Ryan Reynolds will be expected to reprise his role as Green Lantern, and the events that transpired in his film - although they won't be ignored in the Justice League Movie, they won't be acknowledged either. It will sort of be hints to his backstory, and the character will be more serious than in the solo film (more like how he was towards the end of the film). • The Green Lantern sequel has a treatment but the situation is unclear. It most likely will be brought to a stage where it is near getting the green light, and will be held there until things become clearer where that franchise is headed. • The rebooted Batman film (won't be an origin story, but will focus on a Batman who is entering his second year as a hero) will be apart of the same universe. • The details plot wise for the Justice League Movie are unknown, but a couple comic book writers have penned the treatment that Will Beall will be scripting. • Christopher Nolan won't be directing the Justice League Movie. • There aren't any directors set for the Justice League Movie yet, although a shortlist has been drawn up (Matt Reeves, Jonathan Liebsman, David Yates are rumoured within WB) by the execs. • The budget for the Justice League Movie will be around $270 million. • DC are looking to release 2 films a year. So expect something like this: Man of Steel (2013) Zack Snyder; David Goyer & Christopher Nolan; HenryCavill Lobo (2014) Brad Peyton; TBA Justice League (2015) TBA; The Batman (2016) Wonder Woman (2016) TBA (Most Likely Nicolas Winding Refn); Michael Goldenburg The Flash (2017) TBA; Greg Berlanti, Marc Gruggenheim & Michael Green; TBA

Friday, June 1, 2012
Courtesy of take a look at this awesome stills and this clip from young justice featuring the first animated appearance of Bart Allen
Universal Closing In On Deals With Original KICK-ASS Cast; Nicolas Cage In Talks To Cameo
Andrew francis
Deadline reports that despite rumblings of Aaron Johnson (and other cast members) NOT returning for the sequel to Matthew Vaughn's 2010 movie, he and co-stars Chloe Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse are now likely to return as Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl and Red Mist/The Mother [frick]er respectively. Universal has run into problems because none of them had sequel options, resulting in new deals having to be negotiated. The site confirms that all are very near to finalising a deal with the studio, while Nicolas Cage is in talks to make a cameo appearance. Other big names are also being lined up for starring roles in the highly anticipated adaptation of the Mark Millar/John Romita Jr. comic book.
Source: Deadline
WB WANTED LEO DICAPRIO TO BE RIDDLER IN TDK but of Course nolan didnt want riddler!
Warner Bros. Wanted Leonardo DiCaprio To Be The Riddler In THE DARK KNIGHT RISES
David Goyer said that at the premiere of The Dark Knight, Warner Bros. executives were already talking about a villain for The Dark Knight Rises — “it’s gonna be The Riddler, and we want it to be Leonardo DiCaprio…”.
Also, if you have a basic understanding of math you can calculate that the film will be under three hours based on the information below.
More than a third of the film, 1 hour, was shot in IMAX.
The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters July 20th 2012 and stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon, Tom Hardy as Bane, Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake and Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate.
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